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  2. How to Restock the Store Inventory

How to Restock the Store Inventory

The inventory of the reward store consists of:

  • Internal rewards: Backgrounds, color schemes, and icons that people can use to customize their profile. The stock of these changes every Sunday.
  • Custom rewards: Incentives created by a parent or other user with permission. These can be created and deleted at will, but are unaffected by the Sunday restock. 
  • A single goal: This is chosen from among the other two categories by a user and is set at the top of that specific user’s store. Each user can set their own goal, which will remain from week to week even if it’s one of the internal rewards.

The stock of internal rewards is the same for the whole family. A user with permission to manage the store can force a restock of the inventory of internal rewards at any time. This forced restocking of the inventory is for the whole family and does not change the timing of the automatic restocking that takes place each Sunday.

Here’s a step-by-step description of how to restock the internal rewards:

  1. Open the app and select the store icon (top right corner of the home screen).
  2. Select Manage Store.
  3. Select the cycle symbol in the top right corner.
  4. If you’re sure you want to change the inventory (excluding goals and custom rewards) for the whole family, then hit the Change button.
Updated on June 11, 2024

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