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Leveling Up and the Reward System (pre-3.2.0)

Note: This is about the old reward system, before the update to 3.2.0. For the new reward system, see this page.

What is the Reward System?

Our reward system provides a unique “level up” system that helps motivate kids  (and parents) to participate in family organization. Family members earn experience points (EXP) from nearly everything they do in the app, such as completing a chore or putting something on the grocery list. Once enough EXP is earned, users can level up. Leveling up gives the user a small group of rewards to choose from, such as icon packs, color schemes, and backgrounds.

How do I get experience points?

Almost everything you do in the app gets you experience. Check off a chore, add an item to a list, or create an event. You can also gain bonus experience by completing achievements.

What are experience points for?

Experience points contribute to your personal level. Reaching a new level lets you gain new rewards, which can be used to customize the app.

How do I level up?

On the Dashboard, the bar at the top will slowly fill with experience points earned by the user. When it is full and labeled “Level Up!”, tap the bar to choose your rewards.

What are icons?

Icons change the small image next to your name and can be claimed as rewards (in packs) when you level up. A pack contains a set of similar icons. Icons are just for fun and don’t affect any data.

What are color schemes?

Color schemes change the color of text, windows, and other details in the app and can be claimed as rewards when you level up. Color schemes are just for fun and don’t affect any data.

What are backgrounds?

Backgrounds change how the underlying layer of the app looks and can be claimed as rewards when you level up. Backgrounds are just for fun and don’t affect any data.

Updated on July 12, 2024

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